Review 2021: repeat { learning doing = learning }

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January: Time to tidy up, time to look back.
The first year as a GmbH is over and when the salaries are paid, there is time to take stock not only economically but also in terms of content: were we able to meet our standards of "good" work? Have we been able to follow our (data) ethical principles ourselves? Where were compromises useful and what will we do better?

We're doing this without any real role models. A company that functions economically in the cultural sector (i.e. pays all working people a dignified, adequate income), but does not maximize profits, but tries to deliver maximum quality in terms of art and content? And without having code written in Pakistan, without exploiting 15 unpaid interns, without selling open source software or even entire Word Press templates to customers as "custom" software under expensive licenses?

Therefore, no doing without learning: check our own digital infrastructure - which has grown during the sprint phases: Synology NAS for storage and structure, nextcloud for file sharing and calendar, Rocket.Chat as messenger, virtual office and tool for teams, and new: "paperwork" for accounting.

And: we finally have our own website, in this sense "Hello World!".