Virtual Reality Applications

Virtual Reality Applications

Virtual reality (VR) shifts the recipient's sensory perception entirely into digital space. The "real" movements of the physical body are transferred to the virtual world and the decisive difference to augmented reality is that the "analog" reality is no longer visible. This technology enables highly immersive interaction with the displayed content, which can be perceived from new and individual perspectives.
Virtual reality can also reproduce a 1:1 image of "analog" reality, but it is much more exciting to create your own worlds or even art objects. However, "simple" reproductions of existing analog objects in a new, immersive world also offer these objects a new stage far removed from familiar exhibition architectures such as the white cube. Or why not reproduce the White Cube and convey a feeling of infinity in a white-colored space?


The Studio für unendliche Möglichkeiten has already built a fully functional VR world and a VR multiplayer that can be adapted for other projects, exhibitions and similar - keeping the reusability of digital applications in mind. Of course, it is also possible to design a completely new VR world together and have it built by us.