Bike, Art, City

A Virtual Exhibition on Sustainable Urban Mobility

VR, Exibition, Metaverse, Interactive

An online exhibition that offers new perspectives on cycling cultures and communities. It features the works of five artists: Chelsea Kim, Irène Mélix, Jana De Troyer, Nora Tormann and Yeon Sung, who participated in the Goethe-Institut's sustainable residency program CYCLE UP! in summer 2024. Here is the landing page of the Goethe-Institut.

The Studio für unendliche Möglichkeiten has conceived, designed and produced a virtual exhibition on the GoetheVRsum platform, a virtual 3D environment (metaverse) of the Goethe-Institut. The online exhibition presents the works created by the artists and invites audiences worldwide to experience immersively and virtually what a bicycle-centered city life could look like. The exhibition ran from December 2 to 9 and offered the opportunity to meet the artists and take part in virtual lectures and guided tours.

Especially for ar projects deviced for local interaction and visability an exhibiton in VR can be a unique way to reach a wider audiebce and to male these often overlooked works of art accessible for other artists producers and audiences.