Digital Tool & Health Utopia
Hendrik mit K is a:e transducer:in between the worlds - for PANZOOMIME the art figure goes to "Anibody" together with the spectators. On the threshold between the digital and analog worlds, the healthy and sick avatars can no longer be distinguished from one another; utopian spaces emerge in which the glitch, this brief moment of disruption, becomes a matter of course and crosses the boundaries between reality and fiction.
Hendrik with K migrates for PANZOOMIME from Instagram @dancerwithcancer to TikTok @panzoomime, from theater to community college to Mozilla Hubs. Here, a digital tool for disembodied illness experience emerges. In a specially created digital performance space, audience members and performer:in encounter each other as avatars. In these digital interactions, there are pitfalls that no longer know right or wrong. In PANZOOMIME, Hendrik mit K questions the social codes of social media and searches for a new digital label in the interface of Mozilla Hubs.
Gäste: Influcancerinnen Claudia Trick @nebenkriegsschauplaetze und Miriam Seith @mirimeer; Alexander Köhler (Commercial Strategy Manager, Onkologie Brustkrebs, Pfizer Pharma GmbH), Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. Jalid Sehouli (Klinikdirektor Klinik für Gynäkologie mit Zentrum für onkologische Chirurgie, Virchow Klinikum Berlin)
Konzept, Texte und Performance: Hendrik Quast
Künstlerische Mitarbeit, Videoarbeit: Michel Wagenschütz
Projektmitarbeit Mozilla Hubs+Grafik: Christina Mäckelburg
Dramaturgie: Alex Hennig
Kostüm: Christina Neuss
Pantomimecoach: Wayne Götz
Produktion: Lisa Gehring
Mozilla Hubs, 3D Modelling, Shading & Umsetzung: Studio für unendliche Möglichkeiten
TikTok @panzoomime
Instagram @dancerwithcancer